Miss Representation Analysis

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Miss Representation: Checkpoint 1 The documentary, Miss Representation, was directed and written by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The film offers an uncompromising and powerful perspective at how women face sexism in the society. The significant truth revealed in the film is that the media contributes towards the misrepresentation of women making them seem weak, small and objectified in comparison to men. The media sexualizes and trivializes women in society, selling the idea that the value of women are primarily based on their looks and youth. In contrast, men are taught that their success is tied to power and dominance. Although women make up half of our population, their voices are often unheard. Girls are growing up with a biased perspective, in which undermines the intelligence and accomplishments of women, causing them to feel powerless. As a result, these girls miss out on the opportunities of leadership which make it difficult for them to go after higher positions in the future. Women who do try to go after these roles are judged by others due to their physical appearance. These judgements would have not occurred if they were men. Why? Because men have masculine privilege. …show more content…

The film features interviews of many intelligent, successful and powerful women and allies, from journalists to politicians to television personalities to mayors, academics and writers. For example, politics is an recurring theme throughout the play. During the interviews, Nancy Pelosi and Condoleezza Rice reflect on the common barriers they faced as a women in politics. In addition, the film provided an analysis of how media treated women politicians such as Sarah Palin and Hilary Rodham Clinton. This provides the audience with multiple perspectives on the sexism women face in society as well as learn about issue

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