Misnomer In Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad

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Misnomer: Civilized Savages
In the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the motif of savagery is listed throughout the book. On page six more specifically we see the passage listed on the cover page. This passage was the first time the narrator, Marlow used the word “savagery” with such passion that the reader has to wonder who he really is speaking about. Could he be talking about the Europeans who thought they were agents of civilization or was he talking about those who had not civilized yet in Africa (natives)? Of course since this passage is on the first few pages of the novel, and it is the first time Marlow is talking about “savages”, “wild men”, and “abomination” many assume he is speaking about the natives in the Congo. Marlow was a …show more content…

He states in his essay about the novella and racism that, “Conrad makes it clear that Kurtz’s corruption comes not from Africans but from Europe and from Kurtz himself” (pg.371). Clearly the savagery is originating from Europe, the corruption, and racism of imperialism is creating the savages we come to see in the novel. They are the “utter savagery” (pg.6) felt and surrounding Kurtz or anyone who believed it was okay to go into the Congo without actually helping the native people. Although Hunt later says that, “Conrad continues to place them in the category of “savages” and “barbarian””(pg.371), he proves that Conrad did have respect for the natives and praised them. It was just that in that era speaking with racist wording or having racist thoughts was a social norm, therefore when writing the novel that came into play. Hawkins never intended to say Conrad was a racist or that he believed that the natives were the savages, he was proving the point that that era had racist social norms that could lead to that misinterpretation. Therefore, Hunt would agree that the passage on page six is clear vague description of the whites who were the savages for their imperialistic, brutal, and careless

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