Mind Over Matter: The Mind Over Matter

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This article above all else reaffirms my strong belief that the phrase “mind over matter” is one of the most accurate saying uttered by man in our brief existence. The mind has always had the power to heal and destroy. This can be proven throughout the thousands of years of recorded history that we have at our disposal.

Though this article was recently written. It is obvious that man, perhaps instinctually, always knew to some extent that the best way to live was with an optimistic point of view. Why else would the core preset of most globally popular religions and beliefs be happiness? Let’s take Christianity, which is safe for me to talk about since myself am a Jesus person. If we look at the stories of the suffering of the believer …show more content…

A thing that we have all been a victim of. I have missed day out of school this year because I saw a friend of mine not feeling well and the next day or two felt as if I had caught whatever that person had. This thought process, the one of “Oh he/she is sick, now I’m going to get it.” Is itself a somewhat negative mind set. Almost as if we are playing the victim card in the drama triangle. Many people, especially teenagers like myself, take the angle of. “Oh I’m so sick. I feel terrible. There’s nothing that I could have done it’s a big that’s going around school.” Turning that sickness as some sort of aggressor.

Now here’s the real kicker, people are told not to take sicknesses that are completely in some one’s head any less seriously that actual ailments. Even that the thought of being sick can make a person physically sick. Isn’t that crazy? That all because I think that I have the flue, that I can actually give myself flu-like symptoms that are theoretically just as aggressive all because I thought I had the flue? This again would be the negative, pessimistic, point of view taking over again. Telling yourself over and over that you don’t feel

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