Mina O Reilly Case Study Summary

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Mina O’Reilly has a very tough decision to make. One of the TSO agents that report up through the chain to her has created a major security breach at the Logan Airport that caused the busiest part of terminal B at Logan to be shut down for 45 minutes. She has the authority to reprimand him as she sees fit. She can punish him with minor reassignment which could be viewed as a slap on the wrist all the way up to termination. In the agents defense; he was a valued employee with one minor blot on his record where he had been “recertified” two years ago (p. 5). He had eight years of service in which he had turned down at least two promotions to higher positions because he preferred the front line position and working with passengers. The case study says that, “his energy and enthusiasm was infectious” that, “his deep baritone laugh …show more content…

The gate agent’s job appears to be a balancing act between the safety of each passenger and the inconvenience of the process they must undergo to ensure that safety. Agent Ludo Sanchez was part of the first wave of those hired after the Trade Center event. He applied for the TSA position out of a sense of patriotism as soon as he became aware that there was a need. Also, in Sanchez’s defense, on the day of the incident, as soon as he was notified that his area had been breeched, he immediately began “the standard procedures for securing the area, and sealing the terminal from further passenger traffic” (p. 6). The case study also says that “Sanchez embodied the values that O’Reilly, (his supervisor) espoused and his tenure made him an invaluable asset for checkpoint operations” (p. 5). Also, Logan airport had been given an award for Exceptional Performance in Airport Security; it is presumable that Sanchez’s embodiment of the values and his energy and enthusiasm played a part in earning this honor for

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