Millennials Strive For Quality Of Life

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Millennials strive to further two aspects of life: quality-of-life and success. Owning a home is a part of success, a home is a symbol of comfort, safety, and belonging. Millennials craving for a good quality-of-life means they are willing to sacrifice everything to obtain success (as well as what accompanies success i.e. home ownership). Obstacles are a part of life; however, obstacles can be minimalized with proper preparation and insight to the amount of effort needed to avoid them. Although millennials experienced the “Great Recession,” they strive to do everything in their power to avoid having to go through it again.
There is a growing sense of purpose within millennials as more is being asked of society in this day and age. It is not enough to graduate high school and even baccalaureate degrees are becoming less valuable. Millennials want to do more, be …show more content…

If homeownership is placed on display (which in some cases, it is,) in social media, then millennials will believe that is what they should be working towards and this does happen. For example, MTVs cribs showed the lavish homes of celebrities and wealthy individuals alike, when millennials see this, they too want that because that is what is portrayed within the pool of success.
Millennials are not apprehensive or hesitant towards the idea of homeownership so much as they are deterred by what the image of homeownership currently is. If it is not boisterous and extravagant, millennials do not want to achieve it because millennials strive to set themselves apart from the pack, no one wants to be average. The lifestyles of individuals have changed so much over generations and the ideas have changed as well. The American dream is being redefined on a daily basis, success varies from one individual to another just as the idea of what it means to be successful

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