Against Affirmative Action

587 Words2 Pages

Affirmative action was created to assist minority groups against discrimination, but affirmative action does more harm than what it can do to help. Affirmative action was created with the intention of leveling the playing field so that everyone can have an equal opportunity to be hired or accepted in to a school, but it does the opposite of what it is meant to do. Affirmative action is reverse discrimination against white males, lesser qualified people are admitted into jobs and colleges, and not all people have an equal opportunity to advance.

Affirmative action should be abolished because the negatives from the program far outweigh the positives. The program is doing a lot of harm to American society instead of helping.

If two people have completed college and are trying to enter a medical school, but one is more qualified than the other, would it not be logical to choose the one who is more qualified to become a doctor? If the less qualified person were a minority, they would most likely be chosen over the better qualified white male. Which doctor would you rather have operating on you, the one who was more qualified or the one who was accepted in order to meet a quota? Just because someone happens to be a white male they are passed over so there can be "equality" at school and work. Affirmative action is allowing this to happen. Many whites are not allowed to enter a university because there needs to be a certain number of minorities enrolled in the university.

The equal opportunities law was passed so that everyone can have an equal opportunity. Affirmative action doesn't treat everyone as equals. What affirmative action does is it gives minorities a better chance of being chosen for a job just because...

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... be used to make up for how African Americans used to be treated as slaves and during the decades after their freedom. Discrimination is wrong and that is why those things have been abolished. Affirmative action should not be used to try to make up for what was done in the past. What was done is done. Now we must find a way for everyone to have the same opportunity for triumph.

Affirmative action needs to be stopped. In America, everyone is supposed to have an equal opportunity for success. Affirmative action has taken that away from Americans because there is no more equality. Minorities are now becoming the dominant group and whites are becoming the ones oppressed. It discriminates, does not allow the most qualified to enter schools or jobs, and it is not fair. There should be no special treatments, and no special preferences given to people.

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