Michael Pollan's Omnivores Dilemma

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In the book Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan he talks about fast food to small farms to back in the day when they hunted and gathered. Michael Pollan thought he should help out kids in our generation by considering them to think about the personal and global health implications of their food choices. Nowadays, most of us, we don’t really look into our food like we should do we. Michael explains how our generation should start to choose our food choices more wisely. Consumers look at organic and conventional farming in many different ways, such as, organic food lovers. They like it the organic way because of the healthier conditions. Organic has less salt and more vitamin C and E, which is pretty good for you. Another reason people would rather eat organic foods is because it's also shown that pesticides are partly responsible for increasing cancer rates and birth defects among children and organic farming methods avoid using these chemicals and rely on the natural method to control crops, which is healthier and better for our future. Examples of these methods are crop rotation, where farmers plant different crops every year and it disrupts the life cycle of pests and provides a natural fertilizer. Organic farmers also use natural fertilizers such as sulfur and they also use interplanting methods that alternate crops in the field, which helps stop pests from …show more content…

What's so difficult about choosing? Consumers are affected in different ways such as in health conditions and our future generations. Before a mother first nurses her newborn, the risk from pesticides have already started. Studies show that babies are exposed to hundreds of harmful chemicals in the uterus. Scientists say our brain is able to think about taste more easily than information about health. I think personally we choose our food based on taste also, our generation is sadly not worried about health and its affecting our

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