Miami University HAVEN Impact Report

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Miami University HAVEN impact Reports
Sexual Assault Climate Survey 2014-2015
The HAVEN impact reports provide important information about current facts that Miami students faced in reference to sexual assault as well as how it is perceive by their population. There is a two part survey complete approximately one month apart. The study correlates non-curricular factors like alcohol and drugs (negative factors) with student issues like mental health and social well-being with institutional issues like student retention with the intention of formulating outcomes to be implemented on future years as well as programs and policies in order to increase the population level of wellness. On the other hand, the report emphasize the understanding of …show more content…

Also, how Miami University relates to the national media. The main contributes to sexual assaults are alcohol, other drugs and violence derived from the use and abuse of the two prior. The information was gather by managing data from surveys which were separated by pre-assessment and post-assessment. The results indicate that sexual assault is more prevalence among students that has have been victims of sexual assault prior to come to campus than others. At the same time, the report alludes students who have been victims of sexual assault prior to come to campus than others are at a higher risk. In addition, trans-genders, lesbian and gay students have a higher risk from being victims of sexual assault plus it is addressed the fact than twenty five percent of students believe sexual assault is a problem. An interesting remark is the fact that the characteristic of healthy majority is a female gender, a student who abstain from alcohol and drugs as well as no reporting underage drinking. While, the characteristic of unhealthy minority is a male gender, someone who engage on high risk activities, who is athlete and engage on consensual sexual contact. There is also cited the importance of prevention and education programs to assists students to deal and cope with sexual assault …show more content…

Different programs have been created like task force with the intention to help eradicate or at least minimize the alcohol situation that Miami students currently face. There are programs designed especially for new students to maintain student’s alcohol abstinence status or at least to educate students on ways to dealing with risky and unsafe situations. Sadly, the report also mentioned that a high number of staff members believe alcohol does not affects student’s ability therefore the administration of education no affected by

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