Mentor Archetypes In Disney Movies

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I was watching a Disney movie. I know what you're thinking, why is this teenage girl being lazy on a Saturday night? Well, I don’t know. As I was looking at the movie, I noticed a person following the hero. “Wow! Is this like a sidekick?” I ask myself, Why is this person giving wise advice and why is their sayings different from other movies? How did he or she overcome that? I remembered something from english class. It was something about archetypes. I told myself, “Wait this is like the mentor archetype!” Around the world, there are a lot of movies and books that come or are made from different cultures. How? When it comes to Disney and superhero movies they come from everywhere. For example, the movies Mulan, Moana and Pocahontas. But …show more content…

I am going to explain how the Chinese culture is used in a disney movie called Mulan. In this movie, you meet the mentor name Mushu. He is a dragon that was sent by her ancestors because they wanted to help Mulan with her adventures. This shows that this story takes place in China and from the Chinese culture. According to the lines of the 1998 Mulan movie she stated, "Oh my ancestors sent a little lizard to help me” (Mulan 1998). In this scene, when Mulan was trying to pretend to be a guy, she was expecting something from her ancestors. They sent someone to guide her. She sees a huge shadow shaped like a dragon. It was this loud voice with flames in the background. Mulan thought it was a huge tough dragon but it turns out it was a little ragon. It shows that in this culture Mulan’s ancestors sent a dragon to guide Mulan through her adventures. This dragon helps her. Also, reveals that cultures can be different from …show more content…

In this movie, the mentor is Grandma Willow. She is an ancient and wise figure that is a tree. In the past, this tree has given advice to the mother of Pocahontas. Whenever she needs advice, she goes and visit her. According to the movie 1995 Pocahontas, “I told her to listen all around you. Our spirits child they live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you” (Pocahontas 1995). In this scene, it is showing that she is asking for advice from a wise character. This indicates that in different cultures, there could be a wise woman or man. Additionally, they could have other sayings that could mean something in the

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