Mental Illness Makes Me Different

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Having a mental illness makes me different. At least that's what society says. How can one not start to believe it when it's all they have been exposed to? It's a terrible thing for me to say, but I once believed it. I hit a very low point in my life, I was dealing with my mental illness of major depression, anxiety, I just moved houses and schools, and my parents were recently divorced. Our society put all the pressure on that I was different for having my mental illnesses and I truly believed it. People do not know how much of an impact the mental health stigma really affects one with a mental health issue. I want to explain to at least one person how it makes one feel. Explaining it to someone could eventually spread their awareness to others …show more content…

I have been labeled crazy, freak, attention seeker, faker, and different. Those labels are just a few, it's crazy with the names or labels people can come up with. High school is already a hard time in a lot of people's lives and having a mental illness throughout it makes it no easier. Teenagers are known to gossip, judge, and bully. Most teenagers can admit to doing that at least once. I have seen it countless times throughout my highschool career, and I have experienced people do it first hand. People are very uneducated on mental illnesses, so when it actually comes up in their life with a friend or an acquaintance they don't know what to do. So they start gossiping, judging, and bullying them. It really hurts when people start labeling you. My own sister called me a faker. It broke my heart, but I learned that I needed to get over it. That's how I thought I would always be viewed as by our society. I was put in a hospital for my safety because of my mental illness. Many people think that you're crazy if you have to go to the hospital. They think you have something along the lines of schizophrenia. Not all mental illnesses are like that. My own friends didn't know what to do when I told them I had to go to the hospital because I was suicidal. They started telling other people that I was in there without my permission. They completely lost my trust. It feels terrible to have people gossip about you with something you can't even control. I remember one of …show more content…

There is no doubt about it. Things need to change or things could get really bad for people with mental health issues. The outsiders don't understand how bad this stigma can affect a person. It is just another stress on top of the already stressful mental illness. I wish people could understand how I and others feel, but I know that will never happen. People will never truly understand what we have to go through and they don't seem to grasp that we are just as human as them. We have feelings too. But that's okay, there are ways to help them to understand how we feel and to educate them on the subject. One major step that needs to be taken in ending the stigma is educating. People need to be educated on the subjects at school and in the workplace. Really anywhere that it can be taught. If people started to get educated that would be a major impact on the start to making a change.. Having classes on how to communicate with people with mental illness would be great too. People need to be more accepting and I feel them being more educated on the subject will help. People can make a change and it needs to be done. I want this subject to be talked about and everyone to stand up against the stigma. I want change, for me and everyone I know who has suffered from a mental illness. We deserve it. Lets fight this stigma and make a change because I am not

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