Mental Illness And Violence Essay

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How Mental Illness with Violence Affects Our World Did you know that people with severe mental illness are three times more likely to commit a crime than those without? There are many people in the world today that suffer from mental illness that causes violence. Many could be harmful to themselves or the community around them. People live with this terrible disease everyday, and if it goes untreated, it could be very dangerous. John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men, illustrates the problem of mental illness with violence and the damage of not having help or treatment for it could have in our world today. Picture the countries battling the highest rates of depression, and one would probably think of those that are developing or poor. Think …show more content…

That’s compared with a .8% rate documented in Nigeria. The findings are part of a 2004 study of 14 countries by researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Harvard Medical School. These studies have shown how under-looked mental illnesses are. Mental Illness with that causes violence is a major issue in our world today and needs to be treated everywhere. During the time period of the novel, the U.S. did not have the resources we needed to treat people. In addition to not knowing much about mental illness, we looked at people with mental illnesses as freaks and thought of them as second-class humans. Today, there are many places you could get help in the U.S. However in some countries like Nigeria, they just don't have the right resources or the funding to help get them. Nigeria is a very poor country and it is very hard to help major illnesses let alone mental health. In the book, Lenny could not seem to get the help. It is very similar to how it is today in Nigeria. Luckily the U.S. has the help we need, but our world leaders need to create more facilites and raise more awareness to help this disease.
 Mental illness is a very serious issue, and many people have been severely

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