Mental Health Interventions

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Study Summary An article titled, “Increasing Awareness of Child Mental Health Issues Among Elementary School Staff”, piloted a study that tests the effectiveness of a training that is designed to be a component to a school-based mental health interventions. Teachers’ and school staff are around children the majority of the day, and without appropriate training are less likely to be able to recognize mental health concerns and make appropriate referrals to meet the students’ needs. The article’s hypothesis focuses on the overall effectiveness of this new mental health training, which hopes in increase school staff members’ awareness of the seven most common mental health conditions among children, with the goal of this increased knowledge …show more content…

It was brief, only two hours and presented in slide show format. With this time the participants were only able to get a brief overview and not extensive training. Since this was a pilot study, another weakness is the population of participants: elementary teachers and staff. While is it’s important to beware of mental health conditions among children, I think it is equally important to educate those who work with middle and high schoolers as well, especially since they might display more symptoms. Another major weakness of the study was the fact that there was no follow-up. They did not follow-up and see if the information was retained by the participants or if any referrals had been made. Finally, the demographic questionnaire was never linked to the pre/posttest to tell whether or not the training was effective for particular …show more content…

I think it is important to be aware of these in children and young adults. In a school setting I do not think it is the teacher’s job to diagnose or refer students, but rather get a social worker involved. A school social worker can observe the signs and symptoms, consult a psychologist, and talk with the parents to see if a referral is needed for their child to be tested. It is important for mental health conditions to be treated and if a child’s condition goes untreated then they might have a harder time performing academically in school. My goal as a social worker will be to help every child/teen/person in the best way that I can, and I believe that knowledge and awareness are the base to help me make informed decisions and referrals based on the client’s best

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