Mental Health And Religion Research Paper

1498 Words3 Pages


Name of the student : Manish Kumar
Enrolment no. : R2014MH001
Name of the supervisor : Mathew Kunnath John
Date of submission : 14/10/2014


Mental illness

Mental illness or mental disorder is a significantly deviant thoughts, emotions, cognitions and behaviours which interferes significantly with an individuals functioning in personal, cognitive, emotional, family, social and vocational areas.

Mental health

According to WHO, Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. Mental health and …show more content…

Meaning of the life and sense of connection to the universe.
Spirituality produces love, honesty, patience, tolerance, compassion, a sense of detachment, faith and hope.

Religion and spirituality are very important personal aspects of many people’s lives. Little work has looked at the beliefs of mental health professionals and how they reconcile or benefit from the potential differences of religious faith and evidence-based mental health practice. This study used semi-structured interviews to qualitatively explore how professionals from different occupations and faiths conceptualise the relationship between their beliefs and their work.

Till the early 19th century, psychiatry (that is mental health) and religion were closely connected. Religious institutions were responsible for the care of the mentally ill.

Religion has been often seen irrationally outdated, dependency forming and has been viewed to result in emotional instability especially by the mental health professionals in the western countries. There is an irrefutable casual relationship between religion and emotional and mental …show more content…

Health professionals are paying more attention to the role that spirituality can play in mental health. Researchers are also looking into spirituality and mental health.
Some people find that spirituality can be helpful during mental illness. We may find that it provides hope and support during these times.
Some religious beliefs about mental illness can be negative. People with mental illness may be vulnerable and may be influenced by certain beliefs and people.
Mental health services do not always include spirituality as much they could. It may be something that is important to you but is not covered very well in your care plan.


Spirituality is the meaning and purpose that you seek within your life. Ideally it should give you a sense of your own worth and value. Spirituality can help you to develop inner strength and peace. Hope and optimism are important in spirituality.

Spiritual practices may include -
Belonging to a faith community
Meditation and prayer
Living by a set of codes; for example, in your personal relationships 
with family and friends or how you treat others generally
Emphasis on spiritual values such as honesty, kindness, hope and

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