Men And Women In Sports Media Analysis

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Women are making strides in other areas however that same progress cannot be said the same for those in basketball media. Next people who cover the sport of basketball must be given large roles in the media based on knowledge and credentials not based on being a male or female. Also, women and men play the same exact sport so there is no gap in terms of ability to break down the game, therefore, there must be no disparity in the amount of media coverage from men and women. Women in media for basketball must be given the opportunity to be the focal point as the lead analyst instead of men dominating that role. If women are always secondary in their role compared to men then there will never be an equal opportunity for success, money earned, …show more content…

Women are not given the opportunity to succeed in basketball media like men are. In addition, only 2 of ESPN’s top 25 play by play announcers were female the and none of the females were in the top 20 (Deitsch 1). Women are not given the best jobs possible and can not be any higher on this list because of the lack of opportunity given to them by these network companies. Furthermore, the week 16 schedule of Men’s college basketball announcers list had only 5 out 137 games with women calling play by play and only 4 women Beth Mowins called 2 games that week (Pucci 1). Men dominate the broadcast teams therefore if women want an opportunity they must have longevity or work their way up through sideline reporting, unlike the men. After that, though they still would have very slim chances to call a game as a lead analyst. Continuing now consensus would believe that now the women would dominate the broadcast for Women’s college basketball, however, only 16 out of the 70 games on the schedule were all female broadcast teams (Pucci 2). Concluding that even in women’s basketball men are still as much needed and involved as the women. This does not give women the platform to themselves and give the men the more important role. Women being given the opportunity to succeed is the first step, but then being accepted by the rest of the industry is the next step to equality that …show more content…

Smith an NBA insider and host of his own show ESPN “First Take” earns approximately three million dollars a year (Broder 1). Now Rachel Nichols who is also an NBA insider and host of her own show “The Jump” earns approximately 1.5 million dollars a year (“NetworthBio” 2). There is a clear female to male discrimination in sports media within basketball as both of these people are equal to their job and yet the male earns double of what the female makes. Furthermore, Rachel Nichols cannot be the main part of the discussion on “The Jump”, but needs to have two additional men be the primary focus in the conservation that is happening. The networks who are in charge of these shows do not want women to be the focal point, but to have them be men because they are more dominant and recognizable. Also, Doris Burke who has worked in college basketball and the NBA for the past 25 years with ESPN is relegated to sideline reporter for the NBA Finals instead of being able to call the game. That role is not given her because the broadcast crew is all men even though she has been working for ESPN longer than the other two color analysts. Women can work longer and be more accomplished and still get the secondary role because she is competing against a man for that position. Success has a variety of ways to get their and women by far have a harder time reaching success than men do in the basketball industry for media. Roles must become bigger for women in basketball media coverage.

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