Medical Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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What would you do if your six-month-old baby girl was having a seizure right in front of you? You have no medical experience, no understanding of what is happening, you just know that you are scared and she is in pain. You go to a hospital as fast as you can. The doctors tell you that this seizure was just a fluke. It happens again and, again, you are told that it was a fluke, but this just keeps happening. When she is eleven and has already suffered more seizures than you care to count, she is finally diagnosed with a severe form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome and is prescribed medicines that completely change who she is as a person. The side effects include her losing her speech and ability to eat for two or more weeks. Not to …show more content…

We think of Colorado and how everyone there must be high all the time simply because recreational use is legal in the state. We may simply think of the drug itself and associate it with harder drugs such as heroine and crack cocaine. This idea of marijuana is not only dangerous but it is preventing people like Paula’s daughter from getting the help that they need. Medical marijuana can and should be seen as a viable medical option and it should be legal in all fifty states so those who are already suffering don’t have to lose more.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse defines medical marijuana as: “refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a ‘recreational drug’ as: “a drug used without medical justification.” While both recreational and medical marijuana are the same genetically, it is how they are used and what they are used for that makes the difference between the two. The Merriam-Webster dictionary also define cannabis as: “any of the preparations…or chemicals…derived from the hemp and are

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