Media Beauty Standards

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The Media’s Standards Our society has been brainwashed by the media into believing the standard of beauty it has created. Beauty is the word that describes the pleasure one gets when seeing someone or something appealing. Developing individuals are people who are getting affected by the media the most. Media can be anything from the news, movies, social media, and magazines. Children and teens are forced to grow up with almost no way to avoid the media therefore, they are always exposed to the standards the media has created. Both young grown up women and men are victims of the the media’s definition of beauty. Men and women are forced to dress, look, and even talk a certain way in order to look attractive. Everyone’s lives revolves around …show more content…

One of these negative effects is that it has caused people to have low self-esteem about themselves. Having low self-esteem is the denial of your body. Both men and women have to constantly worry about how they look. Men have to make sure they look masculine and toned, because the media has made this a standard of beauty. Women have to always worry about not gaining weight, and simply always looking perfect. When adults do not meet this unreal standard of beauty they are left unhappy and depressed with the way their bodies look; this is the same with children. Children are left growing up having to cope with the stress and emotions of having no self-esteem. In the story “Beauty Is the Beast” Elayne Saltzberg and Joan Chrisler state “women often believe that if only they had perfect looks, their lives would be perfectly happy; they blame their unhappiness on their bodies” (Saltzeberg and Chrisler ). This quotation shows that people specifically women look at their bodies as the reason to why they are or are not living the life that they want. Women are tricked into blaming every problem they have on the way they look. This way of thinking can cause many philological issues in someone’s …show more content…

Bad self-esteem, prejudice and living under dogma are essentially bad effects of the media. Having bad self-esteem is when an individual does not feel acceptance of their body. When people show prejudice to other people they judge and treat people a certain way based on their looks and characteristics. Living under dogma is living a controlled life whose principle’s are made by someone, a group or a thing. The media has made the principle’s we fallow by making the standards of beauty we live by. These three effects are not effects that we can see taking place in an individual’s life. The media’s unreal standard of the image of an individual’s body has caused many problems in people’s lives even if we can not see these affects happening. The standard of beauty is always changing. The media has changed the meaning of many words that we use all the time and we don’t even notice

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