Med 2056 Week 1 Diabetes Research Paper

771 Words2 Pages

Niña Ricci P. Barbasa
MED 2056 Endocrine System
Instructor Ms. Michela Leytham, RN

Diabetes Milletus is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer producing sufficient hormone called insulin which regulates the body’s blood sugar levels. Insulin is the crucial key for glucose to enter and fuel the cells in the body. Without insulin, all the glucose from the food eaten will simply remain extracellularly thus there is an increase level of glucose found in the blood. Although this disease is manageable and treatable through constant monitoring and proper diet, exercise and medicine treatment plan, health risk is at an all time high due to poor awareness to those undiagnosed with the disease. …show more content…

“In 2012 diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths. More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low- and middle- income countries” (WHO, 2014). Factors that affect death caused by diabetes are lack of access to proper care and medications such as insulin and blood pressure pills which increases the chances of patients acquiring diabetes (Lipska, 2014). The Diabetes International Federation predicts an increase of 205 million more by the year 2035. They also stated that 1 out of 2 people worldwide does not even know they have the disease …show more content…

The latter is also known as pre-diabetes. Normal blood sugar levels range from 60-110 mg/dL. Pre-diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are on the higher end of the normal spectrum and patients. Persons diagnosed with this are at high risk but does not have definitive diagnosis of DM. While diabetes is an irreversible disease, persons with pre-diabetes may delay or prevent the onset of diabetes with proper lifestyle change of diet and

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