Mechanics Descriptive Writing

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People are constantly standing up and cheering. There are light-up numbers on a board at each end of the field that increase when the announcer yells “touchdown”. When the numbers change, most of the people in my area either cheer or jeer. I heard one person let out a string of curse words longer than the gas station lines. Such language surprises me. I can’t see the field from where I am at, but I can hear every word the announcers are saying. They use terms I’ve never heard before, like offense, defense, touchdown, and, a frequently used one, quarterback. I remember the hundreds of quarters I’ve seen at the mint all those years back, and throughout my time spent in jars and purses. I picture giant quarters on the field, rolling back and forth with the other players. Why anyone would get excited about that is beyond me. …show more content…

When the hand opens up, it dumps the coins into a slot in his car, and he drives away. None of the coins are immediately removed from the slot. Every morning driving to work, wherever that is, and every evening coming back the radio was broadcasting on the same station. It’s worse torture than being stuck under a couch for an entire decade. Unlike News Boy, the cashier never walks anywhere; it makes me nervous to think how much money he spends on gas. Slowly, coins are removed from the slot. Now, however, there aren’t mile- long lines at the gas stations. One day, the broadcaster announces that the economy finally seems to be improving. Inflation and unemployment rates were decreasing. Only a few days after, the same broadcaster mentioned an outbreak of a virus called

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