Meaning Of The Song 'Psycho' By An English Rock Band Muse

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“Psycho” by an English rock band, Muse, is one of the tracks in the album called Drones. There are two versions of the song, one with the audio clips in the intro part and one with no audio clips. Muse is one of the many bands that loves to talk about complicated things. Most of Muse’s songs tend to have a significant message and meaning to them. This album is about mind control and military hazing. It is also about human journey from abandonment and loss of hope, to propagandism by the system to be a human drone, to eventual desertion from dictators. “Psycho” is based on these themes. It is about the violent nature of modern society. Every chord in this song vibrates with energy. The song starts with a slow intro and audio clips from a drill sergeant and a new recruit. The tone of this song is set by the slow intro and the audio clips. These are also the clue to the listeners as to what the meaning of this song actually is. The opening words in the audio clips are shared with …show more content…

It can be said as a hard rock and glam rock song with elements of nu metal . Nu metal is a form of alternative metal that combines elements of heavy metal with elements of other music genres such as hip hop, funk, and alternative rock . This song is heavily driven by the guitar but that does not overwhelm the other entire element of the songs. The guitar riff is very strong with the guitar having a very nice tone and heaviness to it. In the bridge of the song, the guitar also plays some nice and atmospheric chords. The bass and drums sound are definitely the driving force of the song and are really well played. This song is in a pacey swung 4/4, a meter that looks like blues songs. Muse rock it up with fairly crunchy riffs utilising the drop D guitar tuning. Written in D minor with a moderate tempo, it is quite similar to Uprising due to its triplet feel, drop D riffs and similar tempo. The earlier

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