Mason Brose: My Father

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Responsibility is something I never quite understood the meaning of until my wife and I had our first son. Our sons name is Mason Thomas Brose. My wife and I decided on the name Mason because it was something we both really liked, and his middle name Thomas we decided on since it runs in the family. My wives fathers name is Thomas and her brothers middle name is Thomas and my middle name is Thomas as well so we felt it fit with his first name and wanted to keep it in the family. Although Mason is the cutest baby I have ever seen I sometimes in a joking manner refer to him as a little devil because of the countless hours of sleep I lose because he is either hungry or needs a new diaper. Having him has been one of the longest and hardest struggles …show more content…

Having a baby is like having a mini version of yourself combined with the person you love. My son Mason was born on October 12th, 2015 at 9:46 pm. Everyone says he looks just like me in every way and the more I look at him the more I see it. His personality is also just like mine. He is such a happy baby. He smiles all the time with his teeth less mouth and has the sweetest most innocent coo. He is like that seventy five percent of the time. The other twenty five percent is spent being crabby and fussy. When he’s crabby and fussy he screams so hard he can barely catch his own breath. Although he doesn't do that much it still makes me sad knowing he’s upset. It is also frustrating when we feed and change him and he’s still fussy because we don’t know what else to do. When Mason isn't fussy he is a very cuddly baby. He loves to lay in the bed with his mom and dad and cuddle. He also likes to grunt and make dinosaur noises when he’s happy. He is the most attentive 7 week old baby I have ever met. During the day his eyes are wide open and he looks all around wherever he is and is just so curious to his

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