Mary Wade Research Paper

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Mary Wade, born on the 5th of October 1777 was the youngest convict to be sent to Australia. Before her life as a convict, she would sweep and beg on the streets of London to make her living.

On the 5th of October 1788 Mary, 11 and another girl Jane Whiting, 14 stole the frock, cap and tippet of an eight year old girl Jan Phillips. They fled the scene, leaving Jan in only her petticoats. They pawned the clothing in exchange for 18p and were reported by a fellow beggar. Mary and Jane were arrested and held at Bridewell prison until trial.

The robbery can be confirmed as the Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser published an article about the crime.

The trial, held in January 1789, was documented in the Proceedings of the Old Bailey. The …show more content…

She was then transported to Norfolk Island on the HMS Surprize, arriving in August 1790.

On Norfolk Island, Mary had two children, One believed to be fathered by Teague Harrigan and another Jonathan Broker. Mary and Teague relocated to Sydney where they had another son. Teague left for a whaling trip in 1806 and never came back.

Mary became a free woman on the first of September 1812 upon receiving her certificate of freedom. After living with him since 1809, she married Jonathan in 1817 and lived in Illawarra where they raised 21 children.

Mary died aged 82 on the 17th of December 1859 as shown by her death certificate. Her funeral was the first to be held at St Paul's Church of England in New South Wales. She was buried at a cemetery in Wollongong.

Mary Wade is regarded as a founding mother of Australia and has over 10000 descendants to her name, including Kevin Rudd. Her story and family history can be found in the book Mary Wade to us, first published in 1986.

Mary lived in difficult times, but such was her character… I think all her descendants can be proud of her. How many of us, in our so called developed society, would survive her troubles and live on into our

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