Mary Antin Immigration Thesis

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Mary Antin was one of many thousands of Eastern Europeans who emigrated to the United States in the 1890.According to the book, “this was especially true between 1860 and 1920, as more and more immigrants, most of them poor, arrived from eastern and southern Europe in search of better living conditions and freedom from political and religious oppression.”(P.630)Because industries were growing rapidly at that time,they sent recruiting agents abroad to stir up interest in migration to the United State.It was about 3.5 million immigrants in the 1890s and 9 million per year in the first decade of the twentieth century.The new immigrants,who came to the United State after 1883,were different from those of most old immigrants such as language and cultural background.According to the book, “the new immigration that had begun around 1883,however,was marked by an increase in transient,unskilled labors who flocked to urban enclaves where they resisted assimilation.”(P.631) According to the book, “while the Far West had the greatest proportion of urban dwellers,concentrated in cities such as SanFrancisco and Denver, the Northeast and Midwest held far more people in huge cities--New York …show more content…

This document tells us a lot of immigrant experiences in America at that time.First of all,they live in a flat without bathtub,so they have to bathe in public.Second,as Mary Antin said,“in America,then,everything was free, as we had heard in Russia.Light was free;the streets were as bright as a synagogue on a holy day.”As an immigrant in America at that time,they might see a lot of new inventions,which were not popular yet in their motherland.Third,most of new immigrants had poor English skill at that time.Forth,the education was free at that time.Last but not least,as Mary Antin said, “Occasionally, indeed, I was stung by the wasp of family trouble; but I knew a healing ointment--my faith in America.”The immigrants would happen to be in love with America over

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