Marxist Revolution Essay

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Revolution is a topic at the heart of the Socialist and Marxist Ideology. The processes that bring about the insurrection vary, but for Marx and Engels, the only viable coup d’état is a violent one, that will enable a transition to the best society and human life. In Marxism, revolution is inevitable because of precedents set by developmental historicism and then inequality rampant in society. These negative and traditional attributes give rise to class-consciousness in a manner that promotes the inexorable path of society from capitalism to socialism. Marx and Engels promote a stadial view of history known as developmental historicism in which history is driven by changes in the productive forces of society. Marxist history consists of the revolt of the productive forces against conditions of production. History has several stages that lead to a communist society as laid out by Marxism. This forms the foundation for a theory on the inevitability of revolution. Civilization as prescribed by Marx has gone through several stage. History begins with primitive communism, transitioning to feudalism (which was destroyed by the bourgeoisie) and then culminates in the development of capitalism. Two further exist within the Marxist doctrine that can only occur
Thus, such an alteration in awareness is unavoidable. In Marxists terms, class explicitly regards the ownership of means of production and consciousness is the awareness because of alienation and solidarity, it is through the recognition of the “other” that alienation arises and class-consciousness begins to develop. This awareness occurs as a result of the importance of productive forces to the most basic human life. Consciousness thus matters significantly because it enables revolutionary behavior and ultimately allows for the transition between historical states, upholding Marx’s view of developmental

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