Marxism Social Class

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The SCOOP on our generation

During this era England is experiencing rapid industrial growth. Working to transform this very country into even more of an industrial giant to present the people with more opportunities than ever before. But does all this change benefit the collective as a whole? Contrary to popular belief rather than the industrial revolution being England's saving grace. It is in fact the very revolution that will benefit the few of a newly created class of wealthy entrepreneurs. And leave the rest of the society’s workforce to live in poor conditions, with unacceptable wages. According to Karl Marx class systems that exist today between the bourgeoisie and proletariat class only separates the human race and creates such distinct boundaries that root back to the very fundamental complications of society. Marx argues that class antagonisms under a capitalistic market only resolves in the protoliterate class’ conquest for power and social justice, to form a society with no social or economic class, communism.

Child labour
With nothing more than the …show more content…

The lucky few that are wealthy during our time are set for life, and the money invested within the factories will only continue to pay off. But what about everyone else? Those who have been suffering since the beginning, likely have only ended up being worse off than they started. For example when owners of farm land are introduced to advanced equipment, such as ploughs. All of the labourers that would usually dig up the soil before will be replaced by something much cheaper and convenient , this is one of many reasons why people from rural areas continue to relocate to larger cities. Most of these people unfortunately end up in mines or

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