Martin Luther King Jr False Image

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The portrayal of Martin Luther King since his death in 1968, has been a portrayal that alludes to the man but is not a clear image. The real MLK is a man that lies silently under many layers of paragon, the actual reality is sometimes very far from this sentiment. It is like a man who is being portrayed as an urban legend of sorts or a mythic figure that can be compared with the likes of Zeus and Hades. But there is a reason for concern with this type of portrayal. This false image leads to the real person being lost to history and makes them appear in a less than humanistic light. This portrayal of MLK is what leads to a negative opinion, which it is the truth that makes you look at them in a more positive light. This paper is going to examine …show more content…

The mainstream media has such a strange way of keeping negative energy out of the hands of the youth, but this is no excuse as there are many older people who possess this ignorance of Martin Luther King. I began to read more advanced texts and began to get a glimpse of the deeper meanings behind his speeches and more recently I watched the DuVernay-directed drama, Selma (2014) and it gave me a much different view of who Martin Luther King was. The first major piece of writing that would shift my perception of Martin Luther King Jr., was the “Why I am opposed to the War in Vietnam” piece. In the speech, MLK talked more personal about people as indicated in this …show more content…

In a scene towards the end of the movie, MLK is scoured by Coretta Scott King, as she has suspected that he is cheating with many other women. Also, he comes off as not “completely dedicated to the cause” as he believe that rest is better than the fight as it was portrayed as a burden. This completely changed my perception. With the simple fact that it is cinema and portrayal are often wrong than right, my intuition would began to tell me that there was some truth to it, as all of the puzzles pieces fit. The FBI watch, the speeches and the man. I can now say that MLK is a cheater, a sexist and can be definitely be viewed upon as closed-minded as with this alone comes repercussion and a negative connotation. Now with this perception, what is the benefit over the all-good, superhero, paragon-draped image of MLK? The reality of the situation is that it allows people to view MLK for what he really and make a decision based upon the actual observations and make a true judgement. With the wrong perception, people make decisions about a person when the truth intention is not known. This is the case with MLK, we can observe that he is a normal human being with a positive and negative side, something that a person may not pick

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