Martin Luther Key Events

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Martin Luther was the prime mover of the protestant reformation. The film Luther portrayed some of the important historical events that were key to the transformation of Europe. One of the key events includes the “Ninety-five Theses” written by Martin Luther which was a list of propositions that he found to be abusive practices by the preachers which included the purchase of indulgences, meaning they were to pay to be forgiven for their sins. Another key event to the transformation of Europe that was portrayed in the film was when Martin Luther stood up against the church and Pope and refused to recant his word. A third key event was when Luther translated the bible from Latin to vernacular language, he wanted the average person to be able …show more content…

When the princes stood up to Charles IV and forced him to accept the events, it opened up the gates to the freedom of religion and from there much of Europe were free the Roman Catholic Church Authority.
In chapter 23, the transformation of Europe was summarized into several events that changed the structure, unity and the authority of the Roman Catholic Church all over Europe, following the protestant reformation. When the Protestant reformation succeeded in opening up the gates to the freedom of religion, which separated Germany from Rome, other places under the Roman Catholic authorities soon followed such as England and Geneva in Switzerland. It also lead to many different Christian practices. At this time point in time while religious unity was no longer existed throughout Europe with everyone severing their ties to Rome, the Roman Catholic Church begin their reformation to regain their standing and strength. Because of all the different religions and reformations that took place, religious wars and rebellions, like the one we saw in Luther, were bound to happen. A 30 year war broke out as the Holy Roman emperor took his final attempt to …show more content…

Today, thanks to the brave Martin Luther, we have so many different Christian practices and we are all free to practice worship as we please and see fit. Till this day, the domino effect of Martin Luther’s actions play a huge role. His courageous act to stick up for the average Joe and rebel against the Catholic church for their abuse of authority lead to Freedom of religion, Monarchs, Politics, Governments and the list goes on. There were probably some inaccuracies in the film, I wouldn’t know because I’m just refreshing myself on the transformation of Europe, but I believe they got their point across as to how freedom of religion came about. Chapter 23 was a great way to read further into the domino effects Martin Luthers action had on Europe and todays society. It was a great learning experience for me and I plan to further it by extra

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