Marketing Management: The Career Of A Marketing Manager

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In recent discussions of the career in marketing management, an issue has been whether one is able to deal with the stress of creating the ideas that upholds a company’s profit. On the one hand, some argue that there are incredibly long hours of work during the week along with a high stress level. On the other hand, however, some argue that these long hours pay off with the high salary received. A marketing manager is the general manager who regulates marketing strategies and make sure they add up to the company’s goals. Some responsibilities include analyzing and researching new market trends, getting involved with social media to attract customers and also to create the best way to reach target markets (Suttle). Additionally, one gets to travel and work with people around the world. In the words of one expert, “the variety of every day makes this job differentiate from any other” (Silveira). According to this view, the working life of a marketing manager never lacks excitement due to the variation. The thrill balances out the hardships seen throughout this profession. Ultimately, a marketing manager is the best career choice at this time because of its applications of one’s passions and own creative mind to the marketing world. It also allows communicating and meeting with new people, offers a six-figure salary and lastly, establishes authority and leadership.
The current day marketing world has moved towards the ecosystem inspired by imagination that compensates ideation over simple production, where a business’ success is brought by creativity. Today, engaging creativity is now a winning aptitude required for business control and success. With marketing, it is the inspiration behind the operations that can relate to the ave...

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...rough in the business world. It was also true that one meets many new people throughout the career, offers a six-figure salary and strictly establishes authority and leadership. However, it also became evident that I don’t believe this is the job for me. As I found, there is a lot of stress and hours put into this occupation. I do not work well under a lot of stress and always find to have a lack of time with my family, let alone myself. Throughout the research, I saw the money as the main factor to pursue this occupation. The six-figure salary is convincing, however, at the end of the day the high-stress would not bring happiness, for which I value is the richest part of any livelihood. I would prefer an occupation where I am able to embrace every day of work. I am grateful for this project as it has opened my eyes of who I really want to be when I grow up: happy.

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