Mark Antony Research Paper

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Marcus Antonius, most commonly known as Mark Antony, is the son of a general or praetor. Antony himself became a general later in life. Antony is well known for being Julius Caesar’s best friend and right hand man. When Caesar was killed, Antony said his now famous quote, “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears”.
Antony was born in 83 B.C and died in 30 B.C. His father was a Roman general who was considered ineffective. When Antony was of age, he joined the Roman army as a cavalry officer. He was sent to Egypt and ended up having an affair with Cleopatra VII. Later, he went to Gaul and joined Julius Caesar, his mother’s cousin. Antony ended up becoming Caesar’s best friend and right hand man.
After Caesar’s assassination, Antony

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