Marbury Vs Madison Case Essay

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Marbury v. Madison
It is noted that the Marbury v. Madison case is one of the most influential Cases in Supreme Court history. This particular case was the first to apply the judicial review principle. The judicial review principle is the power held by the Supreme Court to judge whether a piece of legislation or an official act violates the U.S. Constitution or other principles of justice. Marbury v. Madison is said to have laid the foundation for the Court’s to contribute ‘render’ its adjudication about the actions and laws. During this influential case, the Supreme Court acclaimed that the power to review the acts of the president and congress were unconstitutional. Before this case arose, President John Adams appointed a surplus of justices of peace for the District of Columbia. These commissions were signed by the president, approved by the Senate, and lastly, the seal was affixed by the secretary of state. On March 5, 1801, James Madison was ordered not to deliver these commissions. This sparked the Marbury v. Madison case. Marbury was one of the appointees who petitioned the Supreme Court for a ‘writ of mandamus’ to show account of why he had not received his commission. As this case is brought to the court's attention Chief Justice Marshall answers three questions throughout this case. The …show more content…

Being in accordance with the procedures gave him the right to writ. The next question to analyze is “Did the laws of the United States allow the courts to grant Marbury such a writ?” due to Marbury having the legal right to his authority, the U.S. laws had to give a solution to this issue. It is the right of the Chief Justice to protect the rights of American Citizens even if that means opposing the President of the United

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