The Influential Civil Rights Movement

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From 1980s to 1990s, people of the United States faced economic decline and the transformation of the nation. People followed President Reagan’s conservatism, hoping Reagan could successfully recover the economy and solve some problems which related to the economy, such as homelessness, poverty, budget deficit, and inequality.[ James Oakes, et al. Of The People: A History Of The United States (Oxford University Press, 2011), 940.] But Reagan did not totally solve these problems-- people’s movement reflected the existence of inequality. To accomplish globalization, an information-centered American economy, American leaders wanted to transform the nation. In the process of the transformation, the decrease of manufacturing caused the loss of jobs, thus many people found more than one job and worked for longer time. Gradually, the rich became richer, while the poor became poorer. The inequality appeared again. During the decades, several groups of people such as African Americans experienced inequality, women encountered unfairness, and homosexuals faced discrimination tried to change their by giving civil rights movement. And their movement have strongly influenced people since they struggled for their rights.
African Americans suffered from racial inequality, but they fought for justice and brought effects. Conservatives were worried about the promotion of racial equality. President Reagan even opposed to create a national holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. ,[ James Oakes, et al. Of The People: A History Of The United States (Oxford University Press, 2011), 932.] who once gave a wonderful anti-war speech in New York City, appealing to people to against the war and to accomplish social justice. Actually, King’...

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...d no strictly choose non-homosexuals;[ James Oakes, et al. Of The People: A History Of The United States (Oxford University Press, 2011), 960.] some gays accomplish same-sex marriages, living equally and happily.
In conclusion, conservatism limited equality and other rights of some groups of people such as African Americans, women, and homosexuals. In 1980s, many conservatives seemed to be successful because they accomplish their goal-- protect American economy an people from economic decline. In 1990s, Americans wanted to accomplish globalization-- transform the nation, but inequality returned. Actually, civil rights movement from 1980s to 1990s positively changed people. Black people enjoy equality; women bravely do things that men can do; homosexuals pursue happiness which they truly want. These are all precious legacies given by civil rights movement.

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