Malcolm X Movie Vs Book

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Scenes in the movie, Malcolm X, were relatively different than scenes from the book, The Autobiography of Malcolm X as Told by Alex Haley. Two scenes from the movie that particularly stood out were when Baines visited Malcolm in prison and when Malcolm was getting a perm before getting arrested. In the movie, while Malcolm was in prison, another prisoner named Baines came by to speak to Malcolm. Malcolm was a drug addict so Baines gave him nutmeg to soothe his addiction, but told him that that was the last time he would ever do drugs and started to educate Malcolm about the Muslim faith. In the book, this same scene happened except Baines did not give Malcolm the nutmeg and advice, another inmate named Bimbi did. Baines seems to not only have …show more content…

When it was time to rinse out his hair, Malcolm went to the sink and turned on the faucet, but no water came out. Malcolm started frantically searching for water everywhere—the soap dispenser, the bathtub, another sink, but nothing had water coming out of it. Unfortunately, Malcolm ended up having to put his head in a toilet to relieve the pain only to look up to see the police waiting to arrest him. This scene, though amusing, did not happen in the book. But throughout the movie the theme of conks seemed to play a large role. The movie started with a scene of Malcolm getting his "first conk," though it was different because in the book he got his first conk in an apartment with only Shorty and himself there. Also in the prison scene, right before Baines walked in, Malcolm was perming his hair to get a new conk. And of course the scene before Malcolm got arrested. In the book, conks were not mentioned as much, besides the fact that everyone called Malcolm "Red." The movie put such emphasis on conks perhaps to stress one of Malcolm’s main points on how the white’s “brainwashed” the Negroes by trying to get them to be like them. Even though the movie was based off the book these scenes made the movie and the book slightly different. Many of the movie's scenes were different from of the book's, but these two were likely the most

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