Makeup History

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Makeup is one of the things that both gender like.People play around with it ,create different looks.Makeup for people is away to be different,but the important thing that the makeup community need to know is the history of makeup.
Something important that the makeup community need to know is “Who invented makeup?”. Well back in the old days Egyptians were the creators of makeup. Egyptian womans and also mans just to wear a lot of makeup. Makeup for them was important they just to paint there self for rituals or for important events. They just to paint them self because they believed if they painted them self the gods Horus and Ra were going to be happy and they were give protection to them.Makeup for Egyptian people was really important like man and woman also the statues of their gods had makeup.If the person that was going to put makeup was tall the more makeup they needed to wear.For woman’s if you had makeup makeup then you wear likely to find a rich man or at least find someone that would take care of you.

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