Make Me Angry

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There are quite a few things that make me mad in this world. They range from politicians to rude people. However, I have chosen to focus on just three: illiterate people, psycho relationships, and dirty people. To be perfectly honest, one of my pet peeves about people involves how people spell words that they say every day. If you can say the word you should be able to spell it too. However, many cannot seem to even take the time to learn how to spell a simple word that they should have been able to spell in the third grade. If you do not know how to spell the word sound it out or look it up. It is not that hard to do. Also, when a person starts talking to me about something and they cannot pronounce the words that they are saying, it drives me insane. However, what truly makes me angry is when a person who claims to be smart uses a double negative or even uses texting slang when they are having a conversation. Also, when reading an essay for someone else makes me extremely upset. Most people cannot …show more content…

Especially those who are overbearing and controlling. They tell you who to be friends with and do not want you to talk to other people. Many even try to tell you how to dress and look. Then you have the passive aggressive ones. One minute they love you and the next they cannot even stand to look at you. They tell people that they are just using you and turn around and tell you that you are the most important thing in the word to them. I have not personally experienced this but I know a few people who have. Next up are those who are not really committed to the relationship until they want something. They tell you that they have all they want in you but they do not even try to talk or have meaningful conversations. Then the moment that they need or want something from you they decide to be there for you. They start paying attention to you until they get what they

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