Mahagun Moderne: A Concrete Island, Many Truths And Class Conflict

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India’s formal and reinforced social class structure attaches descriptions of and distinctions between members of their society based on the ascribed and achieved status and prescribed role one holds at any given moment and subsequently judges accordingly. It stands to reason that India’s caste system is an ancient and rigid arrangement of social stratification, and as such, exposes socio-economic inequities as well as human rights violations for the lower castes while benefiting the upper castes. This kind of stratification in social class is visibly evident and was demonstrated at Noida’s Mahagun Moderne class conflict riot between the residents and migrant and domestic workers. The events that transpired in which lead to the civil unrest was ignited over the allegations of the hostage of a domestic worker, Zohra Bibi. In the article, “Mahagun Moderne: A Concrete Island, Many Truths & Class Conflict,” Maanvi (2017) reported that on the early morning of July 12, 2017, a mixed crowd of migrant and domestic workers began to form outside the Mahagun Moderne housing society in Sector 78. The crowd, including a large number of family members of Bibi, claimed that Bibi was being held hostage and had been assaulted by her employers. However, the Sethis’ (the …show more content…

According to the article, “Noida: Domestic workers’ union writes to NCW over Mahagun Moderne issue,” Sehran (2017) reported that the investigation into the Mahagun Moderne’s incident by Noida’s police force have evidently been compromised. Allegedly, the police are not only shirking from their legal responsibility and hindering the investigation, but also have taken the residents’ side. For all that, the system of social stratification, in the end, only benefits the capitalists with no thought for the working-class

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