Analysis Of Joseph Macwan's Methi, A Dalit '

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Baldick (2008) defines that hamartia is a Greek word for “error” or “failure,” used by Aristotle in his Poetics (4th century BCE) to designate the false step that leads the protagonist in a tragedy to his or her downfall. The term has often been translated as ‘tragic flaw,’ but this misleadingly confines the cause of the reversal of fortunes to some personal defect of character, whereas Aristotle’s emphasis was rather upon the protagonist’s action, which could be brought about by misjudgement, ignorance, or some other cause. This paper examines Artistotle’s emphasis upon protagonists’ “some other cause,” i.e. “caste as tragic flaw.” African American tragic characters’ tragic flaw is race; but, Dalits’ tragic flaw is birth itself.
Joseph Macwan’s …show more content…

A few upper caste youths, hiding behind parapet of the building in an opposite auction place, stoned the pot. “C-r-a-ash” a sound Teeha heard. The youths struck Methi’s pot and her whole body became drenched completely. It is her caste that is her flaw. By the time, Teeha moved towards Methi as soon as the pot shattered. Methi’s companions stood at some distance from them. Mathi was wet from head to feet. She stood rooted to the ground. The upper caste youths’ eyes roved over Methi’s breast and navel visible through her wet clothes, because the woman was an untouchable’s community in that village. So the upper caste youths wanted to humiliate her in public place. Look at this caste that became a weak and means of under-estimation. Teeha, a Dalit and an outsider, has openly hit a Patel youth that is a burning issue. But a low-caste girl was assaulted which is considered as sign of upper caste …show more content…

You will be thrown out of the village, without even a drop of water from the lake. If you wish to live in this village harmoniously, then let Moti Dhula and Heera Khana be ostracized and made to answer for their conduct! (31)
Usually, the Patels employe Dalits for the odd seasonal works. They worked and earned under-wages from Patels’ farm lands. But the wages were too stopped after Teeha’s fight with Patels in this village. Moti and Heera Khana’s were considering as a social respectable persons of Dalits. They brought a few persons from the village and ex-communicated Moti and Heera. It is what the social discrimination. Dalits claimed the rights, but excommunicated. Is this justice? Is caste a flaw?
In addition, Patels’ evil intention is to rape Methi so that she could not show her face even to anybody else including her lover Teeha. They wanted to revenge and spoil the prestige of Dalits. Methi is being targeted. There was no punishment worse than this. They had toyed with the idea of raping Methi and teaching a lesson to Teeha. Patels called Methi’s child-marriage-husband Chunthia to an acquaintance’s house in Keradia. They realized that in the very first meeting and he was far from

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