Mack Island: A Narrative Fiction

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Mack was walking to food basics, when all of a sudden, a man dressed in black pulled him into an alleyway. “Who are y-you?” Mack stammered. “Ops, black ops,” the man replied. “Name?” Mack said. “Sam. Yours, kid?” the man replied. “Mack,” Mack said. “And your last name too?” Sam said. “Mack Candid,” Mack said. “As in Zack Candid?” Sam asked. “Yep,” Mack said laughing. “Wow, bet you didn't know that Zack and Macie Candid were top-secret spies working for IBS?” Sam mentioned. “What is IBS?” Mack asked. “International Bureau of Spies,” Sam replied, before gassing Mack. The last thing Mack saw was the alleyway. When Mack came to, he was in a plane piloted by Sam. “Where am I?” Mack said. “An IBS strike all-terrain scout vehicle,” Sam said. “Okay …show more content…

Crash! The SASV smashed into the ice wall and plunged towards a desert. “Wait a minute, how can an ice wall be in the middle of the desert?” asked Mack. “We’re in the middle of Crazy Desert,” Sam said. “We called it Crazy Desert because it can have literally anything in it,” Sam continued. All of a sudden, a plume of sand covered the SASV. Mack found himself lying in the SASV’s smashed cockpit. “Agh!” Mack groaned. Then he spotted Sam lying beneath a boulder with a gnash across his forehead. “Nrhh high,” Sam groaned. Mack spotted a lava bomb crashing towards the fuel tanks. Thinking quickly, Mack pulled Sam out from underneath the boulder, and, still holding on to Sam, Mack jumped behind the boulder as the fuel tanks erupted, engulfing the SASV in flames. Luckily, Mack was able to roll the boulder in front of the fuel tanks, which gave Sam (who had woken up when Mack jumped) time to execute a commando roll out of the doomed SASV. Mack and Sam were standing in a geyser of lava, pondering how to escape it. “Hey, Sam, aren’t you a secret agent? So you should have a grappling hook, right?” Mack asked. “Yeah, I do, and I’m asking IBS to make you an agent,” Sam

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