Macbeth Murder Analysis

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Macbeth is a fascinating story containing all kinds of plots and murders. The characters that are killing and are planning murders are all very deceiving and treacherous. Macbeth is guiltier because of these three main reasons; Macbeth kills the king, kills the guards, and he kills Banquo. Two of the most dangerous criminals in this play is Lady Macbeth and her husband, Macbeth. Together they committed one of the most dreadful murders by killing King Duncan. This is why it is difficult to determine which one of these two is guiltier because they each do their part in committing the crime. Lady Macbeth would prepare the plan and then manipulated Macbeth to go through with it. Macbeth was the one that committed the murder, and he was also the first person who thought about killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth did not have any involvement in these cases. Based on these ideas, Macbeth should be found more guilty than Lady Macbeth.
The first person that Macbeth killed was Malcolm’s father (King Duncan). This murder was planned by both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The person that committed the murder was Macbeth, making him more guilty of the crime. “I go, and it’s done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it a knell. That …show more content…

The third person that Macbeth killed was Banquo. After the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth is worried that Banquo will be suspicious of Macbeth murdering Duncan. Since Banquo was there when Macbeth received the prophecy that he would be king. Macbeth is alleged of hiring assassins to kill Banquo. The assassins stated that they are tired of suffering and they would do anything to bring an end to it. Macbeth asks for their assistance then they agreed that Banquo is their enemy. The assassins do agree to murder Banquo and Macbeth tells them that he cannot be suspected of having Banquo killed. Macbeth and the assassins said “It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight.” (Act III, Scene

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