Macbeth: The Mystery of Third Murderer
Shakespeare's play Macbeth incorporates many elements of mystery. In particular, the mystery surrounding the identity of the Third Murderer in (III, iii, 79), which oddly enough has thirty-three lines in it, is a topic of debate in many conversations about Macbeth. The focus of this paper is on the identity of the Third Murderer and the facts and restrictions on the people suspected. Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, and the Weird Sisters all have surfaced as the most prominent choices for the true identity of the anonymous Third Murderer.
The first person to come to mind when the identity of the Third Murderer is discussed, is Macbeth himself. Who better to carry out the murder Macbeth ordered than by he himself? As stated by an anonymous author on a newsgroup, "I believe it was Macbeth because of the visions he saw of the ghost of Banquo. Without being told of what they had done to Banquo, Macbeth pictured almost the exact things in which they killed him by. How could he have know this if he weren't there?" (mason from Australia). However, there are contradictions that rule out Macbeth as the possible Third Murderer. First, the very first line said by the First Murderer is, "But who did bid thee join with us?" (III, iii, 79) and the response by the Third Murderer is simply, "Macbeth" (III, iii, 79). This implies that the Murderer was recognized, but it was not Macbeth himself. If it were Macbeth, the First killer would not have asked, "who bid thee join us?" If it were Macbeth, they would have asked, "Why?" not, "Who?" The First Murderer goes on to ask the Third Murderer to stand with them, but if the Murderer were Macbeth, the First Murderer wo...
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... book in Act 1, Scene 1. The Third Witch says that she will meet anon, perhaps eluding to the fact that she can take any form needed and will resurface later as the Third Murderer to carry out the deed. As far as restrictions go, there aren't any. The witches can be anywhere in any form at anytime and they certainly could have partaken in the murder of Banquo, perhaps insuring that fate would remain the way they had destined it to be.
The question remains unsolved, and the play is open to the reader's interpretation, but the fact remains that the Third Murderer is a mysterious character who shows up for one scene and is gone. No other information is known other than sheer speculation. But the fact remains; Mystery and suspense along with the other three elements mentioned make up for a great play. Macbeth truly is a literary masterpiece.
owner of Maplewood, so this made her a slave from the moment she was born. When she was old enough, she became a household domestic, waiting on the family and performing cleaning chores.
Agamemnon and Odysseus meet different ends after their return home from Troy. Their outcomes are affected by the choices they make once they arrive home and by the devotion their wives have for them. Odysseus’s long voyage home serves to teach him lessons, something Agamemnon did not get the chance to have when he encounters his tragic demise.
In the play of “Macbeth”, Shakespeare gradually and effectively deepens our understanding of the themes and most importantly the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The main theme of Macbeth is ambition, and how it compels the main characters to pursue it. The antagonists of the play are the three witches, who symbolise the theme appearance and reality. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relation is an irony throughout the play, as most of their relation is based on greed and power. This is different from most of Shakespeare’s other plays, which are mostly based on romance and trust. There is also guilt that leads Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to the final consequences of the play. As the progresses, the constant changes in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are exposed.
We certainly know that the direct responsible for Duncan’s death is Macbeth. However this does not necessarily mean he is to blame, for his violent death is obviously the consequence of certain influences that forced Macbeth to perform his fatal deed. Furthermore, to unearth the truth about who is really the guilty for Duncan’s murder we must explore the influences the different characters have on Macbeth’s impulses and the overall scenario of the slaying.
Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare, portrays Macbeth as a kinsman, subject and trusted friend to King Duncan I of Scotland. A trusted friend, that is, until Macbeth has a chance encounter with the “three witches” (Shakespeare) or the “Weird Sisters”. The witches predict that Macbeth will become the next King and that his fellow companion, Banquo, will be the father of a line of kings. A change comes over Macbeth after his meeting; he is no longer content to be a follower of the King, he will “be” King at any cost. After killing the King and his friend Banquo, losing his wife to madness and ordering the execution of many, Macbeth is killed in much the same fashion as he has killed. But does this really reflect the real King MacBeth of Scotland? While examining the characteristics and actions of the two Macbeths and decide if Shakespeare’s writing was historically sound or was it just “double, double, toil and trouble” (4.1.22-26) playing with MacBeth’s character.
Macbeth is a brave general who fights for his country Scotland, defeating the King of Norway. He is loyal to his king Duncan, but Macbeth has ambition to take over the kingdom for himself. He has lots of doubts of if he is doing the right thing, but still murders Duncan and then Banquo who is another general who fought with Macbeth. These murders and guilt about his treason are leading Macbeth to become insane. This essay shows that although Macbeth’s strong desire for power is influenced by the three witches in the play and also the planning and ambition of his wife Lady Macbeth, in the end he is responsible for his self-destruction.
Macbeth is a true Shakespearian tragedy, in which mast murders take place, in order for one man and women to take the throne and become king and queen. It starts with Duncan’s murder, which is done because Macbeth did not want to see Duncan’s son next in line for the throne and the only way to prevent that was by eliminating Duncan. The nest murder was that of Banquo. Banquo is a friend of Macbeth and his murder is un-predictable. Macbeth may have feared that if he did not kill Banquo, Banquo would kill him in order to gain a position power seeing that the witch’s just informed both Macbeth and Banquo that Macbeth will be the next King of Scotland and Banquo will never have the chance to hold the throne. Once Banquo is out of the way, Macbeth turns his attention to his real target, King MaCduff. Although at first hesitant about killing MaCduff, Macbeth chooses to murder MaCduff, a man who Macbeth himself said was a good man and a fine leader. The last murder is of MaCduff’s family. Macbeth can not take any chances and must kill any associated with the former king (King MaCduff). The murder of MaCduff’s wife and son is the most vicious crime of them all because for one we see the killing on stage and number two a child is murdered, the most vicious and horrific thing one can show. Macbeth murders for personal gain and has no regrets or else he would not have continued his mass slaughtering. Macbeth is responsible for these murders because he commits them himself, without any assistance, he kills everyone out of necessity, and because all these acts were done out of free will.
Marijuana is the cause of much commotion and debating, as the question of legalization becomes more of an issue. Drugs are a major influential force in countries all over the world today. Legalization is an option that has not had a chance, but really should be given one. Although many people feel that legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of drug use, legalization would benefit for the following reasons: 1)reduction of money spent on law enforcement 2)increase in the countries revenue 3)lessen crime 4)useful in treating certain medical conditions.
Macbeth did not have to kill all of the innocent people he had murdered. Instead, he could have turned himself in and said he killed the king. Like most people he didn’t want to die, so he decided to keep this as a secret and tried to live life as best as he could. In order for this to stay a secret he needed to murder a few people. He first had murderers go out and kill Banquo and Fleance. The murderers were able to kill Banquo, but Fleance escaped. Macbeth felt better that Banquo was dead since Banquo knew about the witches rules in order for Macbeth to become king. Therefore, Banquo would assume that Macbeth murdered the king. Now, there would be no assumption from Banquo that Macbeth killed Duncan. Macbeth wanted Fleance to be dead, since the witches said that Banquo’s sons will become the next kings after Macbeth, but Macbeth wanted his family to be the royal family forever. The next person that gets murdered by Macbeth is: Macduff’s family. Macbeth had people hired to kill Macduff’s family. This led Macduff and ten thousand soldiers from England to defeat Macbeth and ultimately kill the villain. All of the murders and the stress that people had to go through because of Macbeth made him a
A.C. Bradley’s interpretation of Macbeth finds him human, conflicted, and comparable to his wife, Lady Macbeth, in many respects. They share a common ambition and a common conscience sensitive enough to feel the effects of their ambition. But the story, Bradley contends, is built upon the traits that set them apart. He focuses mainly on Macbeth. Macbeth is a character of two battling halves: his reason, or ambition, and his “imagination.” Bradley attributes the hysterical nature of Macbeth’s visions, the dagger, the specter of Banquo, and other ghosts, to his wild imagination. He “acts badly” (Bradley, 136) and loses his composure whenever his imagination triumphs over his practical side; however, Bradley also asserts that Macbeth’s imagination is “the best of him, something usually deeper and higher than his conscious thoughts” (133). Macbeth is therefore unable to make use of the “better” imagination with which he was endowed and instead only appears “firm, self-controlled and practical” when he is “hateful” (136). A product of these clashing sides, Macbeth’s murder of Duncan is borne of his inability to properly acknowledge the conclusions drawn by his imagination. In his soliloquies and in...
First of all, legalization marijuana has enormous tax revenue. This will save us taxpayers millions also if marijuana is decriminalized by reducing the amount of money we pay to maintain prisoners incarcerated for marijuana related afflictions. Research Miron reports “that marijuana legalization would reduce government expenditures by roughly $8 billion annually. Approximately $5.5 billion of this would come from decreased state and local expenditures and approximately $2.5 billion from decreased federal expenditures. At the state and local levels, the reduced expenditures would consist of $1.8 billion less spent on police, $3.2 less on prosecutions, and $0.5 billion less on incarceration.” (At the federal level, a detailed breakdown is not readily available.”) (Miron, 2006).
Much debate has been brought to Capitol Hill concerning the legalization of the Marijuana. Analyzing the history, data, and health effects of marijuana it becomes clear that the debate for the legalization of marijuana should be seriously considered and should be brought to congress as an issue that can stimulate the economy and bring together a divided nation. This issue along with many others will not be a reality until congress takes action and addresses the issue directly. Conflicting views arise when so much time effort and money have been spent to eliminate drugs. America’s “War on Drugs” has been an intense operation to eliminate narcotics on the streets and often catch the criminal distribution before it even reaches the public. Citizens of the United States have petitioned for the legalization of marijuana since its origin, yet minimal progress has been made and the illegal existence of the plant remains. Congress has faced the vote to legalize marijuana countless times while the majority of politicians favor the ban on the substance, however there are certain individuals of political office that have and continue to vote for its legalization. America’s emphasis and concern for the use, distribution, and growth of marijuana is outstanding with arrests reaching nearly 5.9 million since the year 1990. A large amount of time, money, and man-power has been applied to the operation of controlling the substance of marijuana in society and many people argue against this. As long as marijuana is not legalized, the debate and fight for its legalization will undoubtedly continue from the millions of people who use the herbal matter in this country alone.
The legalization of marijuana would help get the economy. The war against marijuana is doing nothing and is just widening our debt. If we were to legalize and tax it, the government would make tons of money and we could reduce the debt we now have. Also, release people in prison for marijuana crimes and the jail system would not have to spend so much money. “In a country with only 5% of the earth's population, the United States holds 25% of the world's prisoners” (Archibold). Many of these criminals are in prison for marijuana related crimes. With the release of these criminals, that money could be spent on cases involving much more serious criminals such as murderers and rapists. This would make the United States a much safer place because everyone would have a stronger sense of security knowing that many more of these felons are off the street. This wonderful action can be put into effect if the simple act of legalizing marijuana passed.
Macbeth’s story highlights the inherent goodness found in all of us, but also the evil that lurks within us, unnourished. Although there is no redemption for Macbeth’s evil sins, he finally comes to acknowledge his crimes and thus can provoke pity in the eyes of the audience. Macbeth’s psychological journey from a courageous general to a “ dead butcher” (5.9.41) is one that truly merits to be called a tragedy.
113 Macbeth. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. The. Coursen, H. R. Macbeth: A Guide to the Play. London: Greenwood Press, 1997.