Macbeth Insanity

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In Macbeth, William Shakespeare portrays Macbeth’s dishonorable political advancement to his downfall, as the acquisition of foreseen titles ends in his execution. While Scotland is fearful of the invading forces, Macbeth’s valor in the battle with traitors secure him the positions of Thane of Cawdor, as well as Thane of Glamis. Macbeth is a character of bravery and courage. In the beginning, one believes that Macbeth is a stable, rational individual, although when Macbeth discovers the weïrd sisters’ forecasts that he will continue to obtain ranks, an insane character emerges from within. Macbeth’s actions are based upon motivation and truly evoke an imbalance in his mind. Despite these factors, the imperative annihilation of Duncan proceeds Macbeth to a further state of insanity. Macbeth’s mental state transforms in the progression of the Shakespearian tragedy, developing a character that originates as sane, but then is driven towards madness through the tragic flaw of ambition; this is the result of (1) Macbeth’s likelihood to commit atrocities, (2) willful construction of figments, and (3) external pressures for pursuance of ill-advised intentions.

Ambition plagues Macbeth over the course of the epic tragedy, conveying his sanity progresses to a state of mental illness through his murderous measures. At first, Macbeth is aware of the outcomes of murdering King Duncan, and contemplates whether to enact Duncan’s deposition. Consequently, Macbeth’s hamartia of determination causes him to formulate a strategy for the execution of Duncan, even though no other true motive is apparent: “I have no spur / To prick the sides of my intent, but only / Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself / And falls on th’ other,”(Shakespeare 1. ...

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...on of the dagger alters his thoughts and actions, revealing that figments can lead one to his or her downfall. Last of all, Macbeth’s outrage upon Banquo’s ghost exemplifies he has transformed to an insane figure, just by the factor of ambition. At the banquet the Ghost of Banquo confronts Macbeth before the nobility and he furiously breaks out into, “Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee. / Thy bones are marrowless; thy blood is cold; / Thou hast no speculation in those eyes / Which thou dost glare with.” at Banquo’s ghost, revealing Macbeth loses all self-control (3. 4. 13-16). In point of fact, Macbeth fails to keep aware of his surroundings and converses to the ghost as if they were alone. Even with Lady Macbeth’s reasoning for her husbands madness, it is visible Macbeth exemplifies his insanity by acknowledging the fallacy.

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