Macbeth Greed Analysis

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Throughout History, greed has exhibited a capacity of good and evil. The story begins as a respected and loyal hero of Scotland during the middle ages takes a turn for the worse. Greed causes him to make sinister decisions, violence made him hated by the community, and hallucinations made him become sickened. “Macbeth and another of the king’s general’s, Banquo, encounters three witches, who greet Macbeth as thane of Glamis, thane of Cawdor, and future king”( Dominic, Catherine C., Ed “Shakespeare’s Characters for Students New York: Gale, 1997 Print). This is when the evil thoughts of greed nature begin within Macbeth. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt to be king hereafter” (Shakespeare, William 1.2 62-64). The three witches predict Macbeth …show more content…

He mentions his reasons why he should not kill Duncan. “Macbeth teaches us not only that power corrupts, but also that knowledge corrupts: bad thoughts lead to bad deeds” (Curran 392). . Lady Macbeth acts as Macbeth superior while the murder of Duncan occurs. “After he is crowned, he is driven to protect what he has gained by ordering the deaths of anyone who he considers to be a threat” (Dominic 252). Lady Macbeth and the witches are all influential factors in the committing of Macbeth murdering Duncan. “Lady Macbeth appeals to her husband’s sense of manhood, and in effect, some maintain use seduction and humiliation to convince him to commit the murders” (Dominic 251). She questions Macbeth’s love for her; she questions Macbeth’s masculinity and criticizes his desire to be king. “While violence is an integral part of this warrior society, Macbeth’s use of it off the battlefield to further his personal ambition” (Dominic 252). Macbeth is an extremely violent man and you can see this throughout the play. A quote that exemplifies his violence, “I am in blood stepp’d in so far, that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’ver”( Shakespeare, William 3.4 36-39). Macbeth is stating that there is nowhere left to

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