Macbeth: A Bottle Of Melatonin

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The first gift that Duncan should give is a bottle of Melatonin for Macbeth. This would be a thoughtful gift so Macbeth could still sleep even when being consumed by the guilt of killing his kinsmen, guest, and king. Even though the voices say, “sleep no more…/ Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor/ shall sleep no more! Macbeth shall sleep no more” (Macbeth Act II Sc II li.58-60). Since the voices say that Macbeth will sleep no more, I believe that some Melatonin would repress these voices, making it a great gift. The next gift would go to Malcolm and Donalbain, and it would be crowning someone else king. This would quite literally save their heads from murder of accusations of treason, but also allow them to stay in line for the

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