Luck In Nailer's Big Mistake

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Many people say that their luck has brought them to where they are right now, but is that REALLY the case? Probably not. To be honest, they’re probably trying to be humble. Although luck takes a big part in success Luck saved Nailer from dangerous situations but without his smartness, he wouldn’t have been able to deal with dangerous situations. For instance, Luck helped Nailer escape the oil tank in the beginning of the book. Although he was luck he found the door that led him to getting out of the oil tank, he would not have been able to escape without his smartness. There were many parts in the book where Nailer had to escape Richard Lopez. To escape him, Nailer had to be smart and had to think of the correct words to use in every situation which helped Nailer escape Richard Lopez. If Nailer was really uneducated and couldn’t think of the right words to say during situations, he wouldn’t have been able to escape Richard Lopez. Another example, is when Nailer killed Richard Lopez. Although getting the opportunities was lucky, if Nailer didn’t think quick and act quick, he would have been able to kill Richard Lopez. Also, Nailer’s smartness helps him escape dangerous people when necessary. For instance, if it wasn’t for Nailer’s smartness, he wouldn't have been able to escape Richard Lopez. There were many situations where Nailer was able to escape …show more content…

For instance, Nailer’s luck led him into finding Nita’s ship which was filled with valuable things. But, if it wasn’t for nailer’s smartness, he wouldn’t have been able to think thoroughly and decide how he was going to undergo this situation and what he will do with half dead rich girl.After Nailer found Nita, he decided to keep her alive and as a conclusion, one event led to another and Nailer was able to permanently escape Richard Lopez and gain freedom again by killing Richard

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