Loyyal Essay

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Loyyal is a New York-based startup that offers a universal Blockchain-based loyalty platform. The CEO & Co-Founder, Gregory Simon, has 12 years of experience in financial services, holds an MBA from Columbia, and has become heavily involved in Blockchain in recent years. In addition to his role at Loyyal, Simon is an advisor to Blockchain startup Factom and serves as the president of the Bitcoin Association. He works alongside Shannon Code, the Chief Architect at Loyyal. Prior to Loyyal, he owned a rapid prototyping web application business called Prototypic. With their strong team, Loyyal seeks to differentiate itself from other solutions by connecting businesses together. What is this company doing that is better than existing solutions? Why is it contrarian? Loyyal is bringing shared customer loyalty data to what it calls a “fragmented industry.” While current loyalty data solutions are typically tied to individual companies, often through private label credit cards or firm-specific loyalty cards. Loyyal vision is to provide businesses the opportunity to offer multi-branded rewards by creating the “Internet of Loyalty.” The company is also contrarian in that it is built to allow a wide range of institutions to take advantage of loyalty, including government. In fact, the …show more content…

While the US has been reluctant to regulate the collection of loyalty data, European regulators have been aggressive on this front, controlling data collection through the “right to be forgotten.” The recent exposure of the NSA has made US citizens increasingly wary of personal data collection, presenting a risk of increased regulation on businesses like Loyyal. Additionally, consumers may be naturally wary of Loyyal’s sharing policy – while traditionally customers are willing to provide their personal data to one company, the idea of it being shared across various partners will make consumers

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