Loyalty In Tikki-Tavi '

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In Rudyard Kipling's fiction story, "Rikki-tikki-tavi", the theme of loyalty is demonstrated through Rikki's actions during his many conflicts within the story. For example, Karait is about to attack teddy but rikki stops him (p27), Nag is about to attack teddy's dad but Rikki saves him ( p28), Nagina is about to bite teddy but Rikki attacks her.(p 30). Rudyard first introduces the idea loyalty in the scene where Karait is about to attack teddy but rikki stops him on (p 27) these is loyalty because in the beginning teddy saved teddy. That is why loyalty is the theme. Another example of loyalty is the scene where Nag is about to attack teddy's dad but Rikki saves him ( p28). " I will kill the big mans and his wife,and the child if I can" that

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