Loyalty In Guy De Maupassant's The Necklace

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In the 1700’s, ladies and men went to parties and wore a lot of jewelry and big, large dresses. In “The Necklace” , Madame Mathilde Loisel feels that she has nothing and her husband gets an invitation to an evening reception. Mathilde goes to her friends to get a piece of jewelry. She finds a diamond necklace. She loses the necklace at the party and she spends 10 years paying her friend back. Through connecting the characters and symbol, Guy De Maupassant “The Necklace” reveals the readers shouldn’t be greedy and care for what they have.

In “The Necklace” , the characters make the story happen. In the story analysis it shows, “Her belief that she is meant for better things than middle-class drudgery forms the core of her personality (“The Necklace” , 168).” Madame Mathilde is a greedy lady who cares for what she wants more than what she has. Her husband mostly tries to make her happy but, it never works. She thinks that just because she doesn’t have as nice stuff as anyone else she is a poor lady. In the analysis it shows ,“She believes that superficial things will make her happy (“The Necklace” , 168).” In any case, she learns how greedy she is when she loses the necklace. …show more content…

“ In the story it shows, “All at once she found in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace ( De Maupassant, 73).” In the story analysis it shows, “The Necklace is the central symbol of the story (“The Necklace” , 170).” The necklace represents Madame Loisel’s greed. When she loses her friend’s necklace she loses her greed. At any rate, she judges herself for what she has and believes everyone else will

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