Definition Of Love Essay

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Love “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace” (“Jimi Hendrix Quotes”). Love is a wonderful feeling or emotion we express to each other as human beings. We use the word love in most of the things we do in this present world; although, it is said that in Greek, love has different meanings which are used to describe different types of love in some places especially in Agape, Phileo, Pragma, and Storge. Love can be referring to affectionate and compassionate emotions that people tend to have for each other. Love is a state of emotional attachment that can be described as mother love, romantic love, friendship love, and intimate love; whereby, it expresses human decency that can be supported as a concern, …show more content…

Friendship can be the best relationship because friends are the ones to look up to whenever we are stranded on something even though some people might find it difficult to have faith in their friends since they believe that friends could let them down and mock them. However, to me, having an honest and trustworthy relationship with someone we can call our friend means always being there for us when we need them most, knowing our secrets without using it against us, fighting for us when we were being molested in public, and always declaring how much they love and cherish our relationship. Those are the good qualities a true friendship relationship is for. Therefore, friendship love is all about encouraging each other, trusting each other, and doing a lot of crazy things with each other because it keeps the bond of friendship longer and stronger between each …show more content…

It is said that intimate relationships tend to have many forms of intimacy such as intellectual in which people share their thoughts, ideas, and both have fun while traveling. The other is sexual in which the focal concern in people’s conversations involves their physical connection of all forms with their partners. Intimate love or relationship often leads to marriage; whereby, compassion and intense devotion for an important relationship that cannot be replaced with anything for both partners will become one as a family and have kids together. For example, if I am in love with my boyfriend and we both have intimacy in our relationship in a way that we understand, share our feelings and beliefs in depth, and always have some sexual times together, this will keeps us together all through the relationship which will later makes us get married and be together forever. Similarly, intimate love is all about having a psychological connection, having a sexual relationship, spending quality time together, listening to each other’s advice, and doing some loving activity to make the most cherished relationship last

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