Louis Armstrong: The Most Famous Jazz Musician In America's Musical History

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Louis Armstrong is one of the most Famous Jazz Musician In America’s Musical History. Armstrong was Born on August 4, 1901 until July 6, 1971 Louis Daniel Armstrong was an Trumpeter,Composer, Singer, and Actor. Armstrong was the first African American entertainment to be accepted in a white society.Before that he was born and raised in Louisiana, New Orleans working as a coal deliverer for a Jewish Family.Growing up he spent most of his youth in poverty in a rough neighborhood. Delivering the coal on the way he used to pass by many spasm bands and house musicians sparking his interest in Jazz. Armstrong is an Revolutionary creating a huge impact on his musical community and eventually the world.

Armstrong became the first of many things such as movies, performances, etc “During this period, Armstrong set a number of African-American "firsts." In 1936, he became the first African-American jazz musician to write an autobiography: Swing That Music. That same year, he became the first African-American to get featured billing in a major Hollywood movie with his turn in Pennies from Heaven, starring Bing Crosby.” One of the reasons is because he was so talented and gifted he manage to attract attention from the Upper class. He also became a legend to most African Americans. …show more content…

He supported desegregated school and was confident in his political values. “ Armstrong did lay his career on the line during the civil rights movement. In 1957 he criticized President Eisenhower for his initial refusal to enforce school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas.” When outspoke his opinion he sparked rebellions and uprisings. He was mad that President Eisenhower still had not change the decision on de-segregated

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