Lost Years Of Merlin Character Analysis

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Essential to overcoming adversity is the ability to cause change in yourself and others. In the book, The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron, Merlin has to learn to be selfless. This helps him to be a better person because he was brave and true to his friends. Ultimately, T. A. Barron teaches us that if people are selfless and help others, it benefits not only them but the people they are helping.
You have to be humble to be great. In the beginning, Emrys arrives at Fincayra accidentally while searching for his memories. He meets a girl named Rhia and a midget giant named Shim. Rhia gets kidnapped by trolls while trying to save Emry’s. He is starting to be more considerate to the people around him and want to save Fincayra and not just find his past. He also has not been bragging about what he has done but talking about what he could do. He has Shim following him to save Rhia. Emrys was being humble when he said, “Well I certainly did not feel very courageous as Caipre said, ‘This will not be the first time you have shown bravery.’” (Barron 195). This shows he is humble even though Caipre was talking about him being great. …show more content…

They can achieve this by being humble, realizing that you have to give up things to achieve selflessness, and knowing that when you put others before yourself it can come with great rewards. This vital lesson is not just important to Merlin in The Lost Years of Merlin. Malala used this lesson as she fought for women's rights in Pakistan . It can also be applied to how Iqbal Masih helped everyone else escape child enslavement with him instead of going on his own. Finally, it can be applied to our lives because we can help someone in need instead of helping ourselves, by doing things like donating to the poor. If you are selfless and help other people, it will benefit you, the person you are helping, and it will benefit the

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