The Importance Of A Hero's Journey

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“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary” (Gerard Way). In movies and comics, heroes are depicted as people who wear capes, have superpowers, and save the world. In the real world, heroes can be any person who chooses to be one. Heroes are not born, heroes make themselves. A hero is a common person who goes out of one’s way to make a difference, no matter the size. Although happy endings are not always guaranteed, a hero puts others before oneself, and refuses to quit even if they are setback. A hero's journey does not always conclude with a happy ending. Even if a hero manages to accomplish their task, they can still perish in the end. For example, Abraham Lincoln was the start of something bigger than himself. He played his part in abolishing slavery, and helped many people, yet he lost his life. This did not stop him from being a hero to many. In Lincoln's funeral sermon, Phineas Gurley said, “He is dead: but the God in whom he trusted lives”(Gurley 77). Furthermore, a hero is also the dog who jumps in front of their owner to save them from a bullet. The dog was probably smart enough to realize that it would not live much longer, but the dog did …show more content…

The mother who cares for her sick child and not worrying about becoming ill is a hero. She puts her child's needs before her own to make sure the child will be alright. Ana, a wife and mother, fights a disease that is slowly killing her everyday, but she still finds time to love and care for her children and husband. When Ana’s daughter Monica is talking about her mother she says, “Day after day my mother has the strength to be a mother to me. She is my counselor, my teacher, and my best friend, even through her pain” (An Everyday Hero 48). Monica knows how much her mother is suffering, but Ana still finds a way to be everything to her daughter she was before the disease, and Monica notices and appreciates this. In

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