Lost In Revenge

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Sir Francis Bacon once said in his famous work Of Revenge that, “Vindictive persons live the life of witches: they are mischievous and come to a bad end”. Seeking revenge is a practice that Sir Francis Bacon was not fond of. Personal revenge is petty and keeps the wounds open longer than necessarily needed. Sir Francis Bacon believes that public revenge for the greater good was not as bad as personal revenge, but he still did not fully approve of it. Revenge is used in numerous works to add drama and character. Many famous works such as, Present Tense by Pearl Jam, The Interlopers by Saki, and even the famous play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, use revenge as the main topic to prove that Bacon’s idea still stands true today.
In the song Present Tense by Pearl Jam, the group lyrically proves that thoughts of revenge leave people alone to dwell in the past. Revenge eats away at the seeker until there is nothing left inside but the desire to cause someone else harm, and that puts the seeker alone. Mr. McCready sang that, “You can spend your time alone / Redigesting past regre...

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